USA B1 Visa - stay for business reasons

Immigrate To United States — Types of US Visas — Conditions for immigration to America? ✈️ ✈ 👇👇👇👇👇👇 Visas for the United States are numerous. The U.S. administration has organized applications for access to the territory for non-immigrants on the basis of a large number of U.S. visas. Among the non-immigrant visas beginning with the letter B, we will present you in detail everything concerning the B1 Visa.

The B1 visa is a U.S. visa for non-immigrants. It concerns foreigners wishing to travel to the United States for business purposes.

This motive, considered as "professional" or "economic", is very different from the B1 visa, which is very similar in name: the B2 visa. Indeed, the B2 visa concerns stays in the United States for tourism or to visit friends and family.

Concerning the B1 visa, the sections of activities that can be envisaged in the United States can be listed as follows:

*    Make different types of investments in the United States;
*    Entering into negotiations to obtain a professional contract;
*    Meet professional partners in the United States;
*    Attend conferences or professional events.

Highlights of the B1 visa

It allows you to travel to the United States as many times as necessary to develop your business relationships. Most of the time, the visa initially obtained lasts for six months, but when it expires, it is sufficient to apply for another one directly. There is no limit to the number of B1 visas per person, so you can renew the visa several times in a row to continue your business relations in the United States.

Who is the B1 visa for?

The procedure for obtaining a B1 visa is mainly intended for two types of travelers:

*    Nationals of countries that have not joined the Visa Waiver Program and therefore absolutely require a B visa for a business trip;
*    Citizens of Visa Waiver Program countries who wish to stay on the territory between 3 and 6 months, i.e. beyond the 90 days allowed by the ESTA.

Citizens of VWP countries do not need to apply for a U.S. B1 visa for a stay of less than 3 months. These travelers must apply for an ESTA. By obtaining an ESTA, they do not need to go to the U.S. Embassy and will be able to obtain the equivalent of a U.S. business visa much more quickly.

Eligibility Criteria for B1 Visa

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Click here for advice : USA B1 Visa - stay for business reasons

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The eligibility criteria for the B1 business visa are not as strict as for the other visas, but obviously all of them must be met in order to be eligible for the Visa. To be eligible for a B1 Visa, you must :

*    Intend to travel to the United States on business;
*    Have sufficient funds to finance your stay in the United States;
*    Intend to return to your home country upon expiration of your visa and not plan to stay in the United States.

If you meet these criteria and submit acceptable supporting documents during the application process, you will then be able to obtain a B1 visa following your application.

How do I apply for a B1 visa?

The process for applying for a B1 visa is similar to the application process for all U.S. nonimmigrant visas. However, since there are few requirements to obtain a B1 visa, it is ultimately less complicated.

To apply for a B1 visa, you must follow these steps:

Fill out the DS-160 form

Form DS-160 is available online at the Consular Application Centre. This DS-160 form is used in most U.S. visa applications for non-immigrants. To complete the form, you must prepare your basic personal information and details of your future stay. In the DS-160, there is a section for the B1 visa, which is the part you need to complete. After validating your online form, you will arrive at a confirmation page indicating your application number. This number must be recorded as it will be useful to you later in the visa process.

Pay the visa fee

The fee associated with the B1 visa application is $160. You must pay this administrative fee in order to validate your application. In addition to the fee directly associated with the application, you may have to pay other fees such as a visa issuance fee. The amount of the visa issuance fee depends on your home country's relationship with the United States. Once you have paid all fees, keep receipts for the fees incurred and attach them to your documents.

Plan your visa interview

All visa applicants between the ages of 14 and 79 must attend an interview to obtain a visitor visa. Interviews take place at the U.S. Embassy where you apply and are conducted by an Embassy official. U.S. embassies generally have a heavy workload, so you should request an interview as soon as possible. Doing it early will help you avoid too much waiting time and will allow you to complete the application process more quickly. You can contact your embassy by phone to schedule the interview and receive confirmation of the scheduled appointment. You will need to bring your confirmation letter with you on the day of your interview.

Prepare your B1 visa file

The set of documents to be prepared for your file includes first of all the supporting documents for your application for a U.S. visa. These documents will allow you to demonstrate to the U.S. Embassy that you are eligible to obtain a B1 visa.

In addition to the standard documents required, your B1 visa application must contain the following additional documents:

*    The submission confirmation page of the DS-160 form and the confirmation code obtained;
*    The confirmation page of the scheduled interview at the Embassy;
*    A passport photo that meets U.S. visa photo requirements;
*    A memorandum describing the reasons for your stay;
*    Bank statements or other evidence that you can afford to stay in the United States;
*    Evidence of your ties to your country of origin and your desire to return there at the end of your  stay, such as: your family, your employment contract, your lease;
*    Your criminal record or a letter from the administration indicating that you have no previous       criminal convictions.
*    If you have previously visited the United States, provide documents showing your previous stays;
*    If you are an employee, provide a letter from your employer and your last three pay slips.
*    A letter from your company detailing the reasons for your trip and your role in the company.

Prepare for your interview

On the day of your interview, present yourself with all the documents prepared for the occasion and be prepared to answer the interviewer's questions. The questions you will be asked concern your personal and professional background, the reasons for your visit, what business you plan to do in the United States, and whether you intend to return to the United States at a later date. Plan to present a detailed version of what you plan to do in the United States.

How long does it take to process a B1 visa?

Visa processing times are not very specific, it may take a few weeks or even months to process your visa. The waiting time will depend on the workload of the U.S. embassy to which you are attached, but also on other factors to be taken into account. Once the processing time has elapsed, you will receive a notification indicating whether or not you have been granted your B1 visa.

What are the limitations of the B1 visa?

Certain activities are not permitted for a B1 visa holder present on U.S. territory. Here is a list of the main unauthorized activities:

*    Becoming a full-time or part-time student;
*    Performing a service and being paid;
*    Working in the press or journalism;
*    Engaging in any form of employment;
*    Engaging in any form of employment; Engaging as a crew member on a boat or plane;
*    Trying to obtain permanent residence in the United States.

How long is the B1 visa valid?

The basic validity period for which the B1 visa is obtained is six months. The U.S. Embassy assumes that within six months you will be able to conduct all the business you have been considering in the United States. The six-month period is also sufficient to allow you to visit any place in the United States.

 Extension of the B1 visa

After a maximum of six months, you will be required to return to your country of origin without considering staying in the United States beyond the expiration date of your visa. However, if you wish to renew your B1 visa, you can prepare your file with your employer in this regard. You must prove that you were not able to complete all the planned missions with the B1 visa originally obtained. You must also prepare letters of attestation from your employer stating that your stay in the United States is essential for the company's business. However, keep in mind that you are not authorized to work and receive a salary by a U.S. company. Finally, you will also have to prove again that you are financially stable and that you have sufficient funds to stay in the United States.

Can I get a Green Card with a B1 visa?

In order to obtain a B1 visa, you must prove that you will return to your country of origin. This means that you cannot travel on your B1 visa and plan to stay in the United States permanently. Since you will have to prove your intention to return to your country during your interview, it will be very difficult for you to obtain an American Green Card with a B1 visa.

To be able to obtain a Permanent Resident Card with a B1 visa, you must either :

*    Have family in the United States and ask to join them;
*    Marry an American citizen with a valid marriage and then apply for permanent residence;
*    Find a job in the United States where the employer is willing to sponsor your visa, such as the H-1B visa, and then apply for a Green Card.

However, since the B1 visa is a business tourist visa, if you find a job in the United States, you will not be able to work for the company in your home country. This means that you will have to go through complicated procedures to change the status of your stay and prove that you did not intend to find a job in the United States, but that an unexpected opportunity has arisen.

Can I bring dependents on a B1 visa?

Unfortunately, since the B1 visa is a temporary individual visa, there is no visa for dependents. This means that your spouse, children or other family members cannot join you in the United States if you are the only one with a B1 visa. In order to join you, they must apply for a B-2 visa for tourist visits. With this tourist visa, they will be able to stay with you for six months and then apply for extensions of up to one year if necessary.

Obtaining a visa for one or more members of your family will in no way be linked to the fact that you have obtained a B1 visa. Each application will be considered individually and treated as such. Each visa application requires proof of financial capacity and the intention to make a limited stay before returning to the country of origin.

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